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Mastermind Networking

The Value of Peer Support: Building a Stronger Real Estate Portfolio with Mastermind Groups

April 26, 20244 min read

What’s the most important part of investing?

You might say that it’s making smart investments and investing only in things with a great return. You might say that it’s doing your due diligence, making sure that you’re doing your research before you invest. You might say that it’s diversifying or investing in markets you’re familiar with or starting with small investments before moving onto larger ones.

None of these are the most important part of real estate investing.

That’s because many real estate investors will actually tell you that peer support is one of, if not the most important element of investing.

Not convinced? Here’s why the value of peer support groups is higher than you might even realize.

Why Don’t You Have a Peer Support Group?

An unfortunate number of people just don’t have a peer support group as part of their real estate investment process.

This is definitely a mistake—but it’s a common one, and an understandable one.

When you’re first learning about investing, you’re probably focused on the monetary component of it. You may be focused on ensuring you’re making money, on determining how much you can afford to invest, or on creating strong investments that will make money for you for decades to come.

Less commonly are you going to be focused on ensuring that your community around you is also helping you achieve that goal.

However, a peer support group is paramount for any investor. If you’re not convinced, here are a few of the biggest benefits that you might see with a peer support group:

What Should a Peer Support Group Do for You?

  • Give you confidence, ensuring that you can make important decisions that can feel scary for your financial future.

  • Help you learn new strategies, which can be key to creating effective investments that stand up over time.

  • Keep you up to date on important information in the investment sphere, which can include information about legal responsibilities, best practices, and more.

  • Help you overcome the challenges that are sure to arise as you move through the world of investment.

As you can see, there are a myriad of benefits that a peer support group can do for you, and it just doesn’t make sense to continue your real estate investment journey without utilizing them.

Your Real Estate Investment Journey Isn’t a One-Person Job

Real estate investment isn’t just about one person investing on their own.

You can’t invest as effectively if you’re only utilizing your own knowledge. No matter how much knowledge you have personally, that’s still not going to be as effective as drawing on knowledge from dozens of people, who might have hundreds of years’ worth of experience between them all.

It’s just not possible for you to fully benefit from real estate investment options if you’re working completely by yourself.

You need people around you who are going to be able to push you further than ever before.

Unlock More Benefits With the Boardroom Mastermind Group

The Boardroom Mastermind group is a great way to improve your real estate investing process. By utilizing information from the Boardroom Mastermind group, you can push yourself further, toward an even more successful life.

What does this group give you? Here are just a few of the benefits:

  • A collaborative learning experience. The Boardroom Mastermind group focuses on helping everyone learn at once. This isn’t a zero-sum game; this group believes in helping everyone succeed at once. Not only will your peers uplift you, but you’ll also get the experience of uplifting your peers.

  • Shared experiences. As part of the Boardroom Mastermind group, you’ll get access to four quarterly events held all around the country, where you can meet up with other real estate investors and have experiences that will bring you together.

  • Networking opportunities. When you’re already successful in real estate, it’s completely possible that you might end up wanting to pursue something in a related field. If you end up expanding your business, you’ll be incredibly grateful for a network of individuals who can help you ensure that your new movement succeeds.

  • A whole new real estate mindset. It can be difficult to develop your own real estate mindset when you only have your own experience to pull from. If you’re looking to develop a real estate mindset that will really push you to do more with your investing, the Boardroom Mastermind group is for you.

Get the Peer Support You’ve Been Looking For

Peer support is a necessity for anyone who wants to really get serious about their real estate investing.

No matter who you are or how good you think your current real estate investment strategy is, odds are that it can get better with the help of your peers.

If you’re looking for help with building a peer support team, the Boardroom Mastermind group is a great starting point. Request your invitation today and begin the application process to completely change the way that you experience real estate investment in your life today.

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Kent Clothier

Kent Clothier is a nationally recognized entrepreneur, performance coach, and speaker. He got his start in business at 17, helping to create a grocery arbitrage company, ultimately building the company to $1.8 Billion in annual sales by the age of 30. Starting in 2002, Clothier moved to conquer the real estate investing industry. Since then, the Clothier family run real estate investment company has flipped more than 8,000 single family homes and the company currently manages a portfolio of over 7,500 single family homes in 11 markets. Kent is also the CEO and Founder of Real Estate Worldwide and The Boardroom Mastermind, a multifaceted software, training, and coaching company, based in La Jolla, California. With over 53,000 clients, REWW and The Boardroom Mastermind focuses on providing training and services to active real estate entrepreneurs that are looking to “turn their hustle” into a real business through systems, processes, leverage, and scaling.

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